What is BMDA?
- Carrying out the idea to create a regional management development network, initiated by universities, business schools, individual professors and business professionals from the Baltic and other countries, the Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA) was founded at the end of 2002. From the very beginning, the Association started to induce the quality of management development in the Baltic region and beyond through promoting research, offering educational services and networking opportunities for management development institutions and business enterprises.
- "Bridging East and West" became the main motto of BMDA. By establishing a virtual bridge between the East and West Management schools, especially taking into account the enriching nature of collaboration of different scientific cultures, BMDA provides a unique opportunity for its members to share the experience of transformation, rapid growth, and managing organisations for stabilization, that is the main feature of the New EU Member states including Baltic Countries economy and management challenges. The focus on Baltic region management development is also well kept.
- BMDA currently unites 70 members from 27 countries – Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Georgia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of
Kazakhstan, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, the Netherlands, Ukraine, United Kingdom,