9:00-9:10 | Opening | |
9:10-9:20 | Chairman' welcome | |
9:20-10:20 | Key-note opening speeches | |
10:20-10:30 | Questions and discussion | |
10:30-11:00 | Networking coffee | |
11:00-12:30 | Business Solutions from Business Schools | |
12:30-13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30-15:00 | Innovations enabling companies to be more effective and efficient | |
15:00-15:30 | Networking coffee | |
15:30-17:00 | Key-note Workshop of the day | |
17:00 | Welcome reception |
9:00-9:10 Opening
Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas BMDA President Lithuania |
Dr. Alfredas Chmieliauskas President of ISM University of Management and Economics Lithuania |
9:10-9:20 Chairman' welcome
Mr. Pavlo Sheremeta Economist, former Minister of Economical Development and Trade Director of School of Public Management of Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv Ukraine |
9:20-10:20 Key-note opening speeches
Prof. Leonidas Donskis Former Member of the European Parliament (MEP), a philosopher, political theorist, Vice-President for Research at ISM University of Management and Economics Lithuania Faster than History:How to be ahead of Oneself in the World of Changes? After the collapse of the Soviet Union, post-Soviet and post-Communist countries underwent considerable social and cultural change. The new democracies had to catch up with the Western part of history to qualify for the exclusive and honorary club of Europe. Moreover, “yet another Europe” had to become even faster than history, transforming itself into a more or less recognizable collective actor of global economy and politics. Prof. L. Donskis is going to present and discuss with the audience his insights on the topic. |
Mr. Marius Dundulis Director of CAMI and Country Manager at Euromonitor International Lithuania Innovative Tools for Global Businesses Insights How to be ahead of others? What is the impact of economic uncertainty on industries in various countries? Which companies are more vulnerable to a potential worsening of economic conditions? These and many other strategic business questions are asked by companies which must react quickly to rapidly changing business environment. Using tools developed in the Center for Analytics, Modelling and Innovation, Marius Dundulis will demonstrate how innovative interdisciplinary approach to economics, data science and visualisation helps companies across the globe to generate global strategic business insights in a matter of seconds. |
11:00-12:30 Business Solutions from Business Schools
Mrs. Iryna Tykhomyrova President of MIM-Kyiv Ukraine How to survive and succeed in war & crisis: the case of business educational program in Ukraine Executives in Ukraine face taught challenge of developing businesses in the shrinking economy. The joint project of Adizes Graduate School and MIM-Kyiv suggests the practical solution which helps to embrace the changes in business based on Adizes methodology and experience and peculiarity of the national business environment and practices. |
Dr. Ivo Matser EMP, CEO of ISM University of Management and Economics, Dean of Executive School Lithuania From Education program delivery to creation of a Client's Learning System Learning for executives is about experiencing in daily practice and acting in teams. Education programs have a return of only 10 % as "stand" alone activity. Executives learn 70% by doing and learn 20% by working with others in teams. In this new Client Learning System, presented by Dr. I. Matser, ISM is creating for the Managers and other Clients an innovative learning working systems supported by inspiring education programs. The system demonstrates that working and learning should take place at the same time. |
Prof. Dipak Jain Director of Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration (Chulalongkorn University) Thailand Business Model Innovation: Creating a Better Society This session will focus on the evolution of Global Business over time. Specific emphasis will be on challenges moving ahead. Innovative models will be presented to deal with such factors. Overall aim is to create global peace and prosperity. |
13:30-15:00 Innovations enabling companies to be more
effective and efficient
Mrs. Jolita Surgutanovienė Founding partner How to increase the efficiency of the company by outsourcing the secondary activities In every organization people from time to time are forced to implement tasks which are important for business but not related directly to core business targets and responsibilities. However, those tasks are taking a lot of time, efforts, resources and often require high competencies of people, whom are rather costly to accommodate within organization permanently. During the session the solution how to implement the secondary activities without jeopardizing the spirit of the organization and keep high quality of services, will be presented. |
Prof. Mindaugas Kiškis Partner of the international Law Firm FORT Professor of Law and Management at the Institute of Digital Technology, Mykolas Romeris University Lithuania How to put intellectual property to a good use in your business? Intellectual property is the buzzword of the XXI century, but remains largely underused and misunderstood in many organizations. It can be an agent of change and innovation, but if mismanaged it can be a dead weight and resource drain. How an organization approaches intellectual property is representative of how it approaches innovation and human resources. Poor understanding of intellectual property and the processes around it, correlates with the loss of the creative talent and long term business survival. The session will explore the simple basics of intellectual property, discuss the perceived insufficiency of it and what it means to appreciate and nurture the intellectual property. The session will also present cases of success and failure in managing intellectual property. |
Ms. Eglė Daunienė Founding director at JSC "Talent Safari" Lithuania How to make possible that an organization be able to manage itself as an organic whole? The new method of achieving this - Dynamic governance, or sociocracy, is a decision-making and governance method that allows to empower people- will be presented here. Dynamic governance enables every sub-part of the organization to have an authoritative voice in the management of the organization. Dynamic governance is also quite distinct from the management concepts underlying quality circles, socio-technical analysis, organizational development, cooperatives, and employee stock ownership plans. While it applies the best financial and business management practices, it focuses on modifying or rewiring the autocratic power structure that is the backbone of modern organizations, whether profit or nonprofit. |
15:30-17:00 Key-note Workshop of The Day. "How to Structure your Company for Competitiveness and Change?"
Mr. Kjetil Sandermoen Global management consultant. Former Principal Associate and Professional Director Adizes Institute (USA), founding investor and principal owner of the University of Fredericton (Canada) Switzerland How to Structure your Company for Competitiveness and Change? The changes are taking place in our life every day, even every moment. The companies need to be ready to adapt to those changes fast and redefine their mission and strategy in order to be competitive. But without redesigning the structure of the company any new mission or strategy is not going to be implemented. During the workshop the most important steps of organizational structural design will be explained, based on more than 45 years consulting practices of Adizes Institute (USA), one of the leading global consulting companies in organizational transformation and change. |