Welcome to the 12th Annual BMDA Conference
Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA) and Riga Technical University (RTU) welcomes international Academic and Business community to the European Cultural Capital of 2014 – Riga- for the exceptional event- 12 Annual BMDA Conference -“Successful 21st Century Organization”!
For already 12 years Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA) brings together the representatives of various Business schools and the Corporate world from Baltic sea region and beyond for major annual event, where different contemporary issues of management development are shared, analyzed and discussed, in order to find the best solutions.
Each time the participants from international community get involved in active discussions, interactive debates, and interesting visits to Business corporations. They have a chance to listen the most experienced experts from all around the world, share their challenges and discuss the interesting findings together.
One of the important features of those gatherings is fantastic networking and social events, when local cultures, traditions, cuisines, songs and dances are always explored and learned. Since the establishment of BMDA at the end of 2002, the conferences visited 11 different locations around the Baltic Sea. This year such special event is coming to one of the most charming cities of Europe – RIGA!
We are bringing together international and local Business, Academic and Consulting community in order to share Business Solutions and Ideas for better management of any type of the Organization. The participants of the Conference will have a perfect chance not only to interact, network and learn from each other, but also obtain applicable managerial tools to make their companies successful 21st century organizations.
Conference hosted by Riga Technical University