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EFMD Marcom, External & Alumni Relations Conference

Each school has its distinct story to tell. The way we engage with prospective and current students, alumni, and partners is subject to the increased influence of technology and changing environmental factors. In a quickly evolving marketing and communications landscape, a more diverse admissions pipeline offers business schools opportunities to make a difference and stress their uniqueness.

The next EFMD Marcom, External and Alumni Relations Conference will be hosted by the University of Cambridge, Cambridge Judge Business School in the United Kingdom on 3-5 April.

With the overarching theme "Defining, creating, and communicating value(s)!" this event promises to address questions high on the agendas of Marcom, External, and Alumni Relations teams.

Understanding the strategy behind who business schools are and what role we play in these difficult times is more important than ever.

  • How do we convey our brand to our network and potential students? 
  • What role will alumni relations play in business schools’ future? 
  • Are business schools walking the SDG talk? 
  • What is the true power of our networks, and how can we best leverage them? 
  • Tips for developing your personal brand/profile. 

These are just some of the topics that we will discuss. For more information, please see our online programme.

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