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Good Start of the Victorious 2023

In January, MIM-Kyiv celebrated the convocation of the MBA Resilience Class that began during the pandemic and graduated during wartime. In February, the Victory MBA and SE MBA classes kicked off, with 35 business owners and executives from across Ukraine joining the MIM-Kyiv community. Together, we are laying the foundation for restoring our country as a better place.

Good Start of the Victorious 2023

Opening lecture at MBA program

In her welcome address, Iryna Tykhomyrova, MIM-Kyiv's president, said, "The war steals our today and our plans for tomorrow. Yet, we believe in our victory and our future even more. We are masters of our fate. MIM-Kyiv programs help us find new ways to build our lives, our companies, and our countries. Your studies today create our future."

The programs' opening included a peer presentation session and an Insta-quest, during which new students toured the building and made friends on social media. New students also wrote letters to themselves that they will receive in two years to compare their expectations with reality.

We wish our new group a successful and victorious two years ahead.

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