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International scientific – practical conference

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On 22 – 24 September, International scientific – practical conference “Phenomenology of practice in practice. International Interdisciplinary Conference of Phenomenological Research”, organized by Kolping University of Applied Sciences, Klaipėda University and Vytautas Magnus University, will be held in Kolping University of Applied Sciences, Jakšto g. 6, Kaunas.

On 22 September, practical workshop will take place in the form of lectures and active discussions, the aim of which is to convey to the participants the main aspects of phenomenological research methodology and specifics of its application. This workshop is a special opportunity for graduate, postgraduate students and other researchers and practitioners interested in the qualitative research in educational science, health sciences, psychology and other fields, to get to know the thoughts and insights of prof. Max van Manen, the pioneer and the world’s most active torchbearer of phenomenology. Practical workshop will be conducted by prof. Dr. Liudmila Rupšienė, Lithuanian specialist in methodology of educational sciences, who applies phenomenology in her research and supervises phenomenological dissertations.

On 23 – 24 September, the conference will take place, where presentations will be made by representatives of phenomenological research and phenomenological philosophy from Canada, China and Lithuania.

Registration form:

Registration deadline: 31 August.

We invite you to prepare presentations and articles. Articles based on the conference presentations will be published in the conference publication “Phenomenology of Practice in Practice”.

Article summaries to be submitted by 15 September 2016.

Full article to be submitted by 2 January 2017.

Conference and practical workshop fees*:

Practical workshop: 40 EUR (graduates/postgraduates – 30 EUR)

Practical workshop + Conference (with or without presentation): 50 EUR (graduates/postgraduates – 40 EUR)

Participation in the conference with presentation: 30 EUR (graduates/postgraduates – 25 EUR)

Participation in the conference without presentation: 10 EUR

*After registration we will inform you by e-mail about the payment procedures.



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