PhD Program at Caucasus University
Caucasus School of Business (Caucasus University, Georgia) in cooperation with J.Mac Robinson College of Business (Georgia State University, USA) offers western standard PhD Program in Business Administration
Caucasus School of Business (CSB, Caucasus University) in cooperation with Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University (RCB, GSU, Atlanta, USA) offers western standard PhD Program in Business Administration.
It’s a research oriented program, which requires full contribution from the student, and it lasts on average 4 years.
The objectives of the program are to generate quality academics to serve the needs of business schools, private and public organizations; to create new knowledge in business area; and to strengthen educational capacity in support of democratic and free market institutions.
To accomplish these objectives, the program provides up-to-date and accurate course of study emphasizing the modern theoretical knowledge and innovative research methodology in the student’s field of concentration.