Writing Effective Cases workshop
6, 13, 20 November, 11 December 2023 and 8 January 2024. This online workshop will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to create your own highly effective teaching cases.
Four 90 minute and one 120 minute synchronous online sessions, offline individual work, asynchronous coaching by the workshop tutors plus a full review with feedback of your case and teaching note after the workshop.
Participants will have the opportunity to take time out to develop an idea they already have and form it into the first draft of a case and teaching note over the duration of the workshop. The workshop will be supported by a case writing workbook that provides structure and exercises, and guides participants through the case writing process.
Participants will:
- investigate what makes a good case and the benefits of a teaching note
- develop the confidence to write their own cases
- learn tools and techniques of case crafting to enhance the quality of the learning experience of their students
- prepare a draft case, teaching plan and teaching note.
Takeaways - participants will develop:
- a clear idea for a case and its use in class
- opening and closing paragraphs
- a case outline
- a teaching plan and an outline for a teaching note
- an action plan to finish the case study, with a committed deadline for completion.
Participants should come to the workshop with one (or more!) case idea and preliminary research so they are ready to start writing their case when the workshop begins. Each participant will be assigned a sparring partner for their case writing during and after the workshop.
For any queries please contact Hannah Blythin, Training and Events Developer, hannah@thecasecentre.org
or apply online at: http://thecasecentre.org/OnlineCWNov2023