BMDA news
BMDA welcomes new Institutional member
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Vilnius University) has become an institutional member of Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA) and joined to international BMDA network uniting close to 70 members, coming from 27 countries from all over the world.
BMDA President at Eduniversal World Convention
On October 26 – 30, 2019 BMDA President Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas spoke at the 12th Eduniversal World Convention which was held in Bangkok (Thailand) and had over 200 representatives of different business schools and universities from 40 countries around the world.
BMDA President conducted “Change Management course”
Institutional BMDA member AGS (Adizes Graduate School) launched an international 3 days “Change Management Course” exclusively for Universities and Business schools professors and lecturers worldwide. The course took place on 20 – 22 October, 2019, in Belgrade (Serbia).
Welcome to the 18th Annual BMDA conference MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN BUSINESS AND EDUCATION TO STAY COMPETITIVE, which will take place on 20-22 May, 2020 and will be hosted by School Of Business And Governance of TalTech! Join the intensive three days knowledge and networking fiesta, which will be finalized by the outstanding Gala dinner!
New person joins BMDA
We are happy to announce that BMDA is expanding and that one more person joins our team! BMDA Board has appointed Dr. Tomas Karpavičius as Managing director of Baltic Management Development Association with responsibility to manage everyday operations of associations. He will help President of BMDA to implement operational activities.
BMDA joined the alliance of international management associations
BMDA just signed cooperation agreement with 5 other International Management development associations to increase benefits for it's members! Together we can do more!
18th Annual BMDA conference
18th Annual BMDA conference MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IN BUSINESS AND EDUCATION TO STAY COMPETITIVE, which will take place on 20-22 May, 2020 and will be hosted by School Of Business And Governance of TalTech!
BMDA president and board members congratulated MIM -Kyiv on 30th Anniversary
BMDA President Virginijus Kundrotas and BMDA board members Anto Liivat(Head of Bachelor studies, Member of Rector’s Office, Estonian Business School), Līga Peiseniece (Vice-rector for Academic Affairs, BA School of Business and Finance) and Andrzej Popadiuk (President, GFKM Gdansk Foundation for Management Development ) congratulated MIM - Kyiv on its 30th Anniversary during one of the events of the forum Facing the Future.
BMDA President and the Forum Facing the Future
BMDA president Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas took part in the forum "Facing the future " which was organized in connection with 30 years anniversary of MIM Kiev. It was an outstanding event featured by the world famous stars Prof. Yuval Harari and Mr. Jeetendr Sehdev. Dr. Kundrotas contributed to the event by leading the discussions of the first evening.
BMDA Monthly Newsletter VOL 8, IS.7
Dear BMDA Members and Friends, We are happy to present the newest BMDA monthly newsletter. Enjoy!
BMDA welcomes a BMDA board member - Prof Dr Viltė Auruškevičienė
Prof Dr Viltė Auruškevičienė is representing a one of BMDA founding institutions' - ISM University of Management and Economics.
BMDA invites members to apply for BMDA award
BMDA launches the procedure of application for BMDA award and invites all association members to send applications to be nominated and to receive BMDA award for Innovativeness or Significant impact. Dealine 1 st of March,
BMDA welcomes new Institutional member
One more Institutional member has joined the international BMDA family - Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML)!
Strategic BMDA board meeting
On the 30th of August BMDA board members gathered for strategic board meeting, which was hosted by School of business and governance, TalTech and took place in Tallinn, Estonia.
Happy September 1st!
Our sincere congratulations to you on the 1st of September and beginning of the new Academic year! We wish you all fulfilling and productive year full of new energy and creativity, inspiring to reach your goals and implement your visions!
BMDA Monthly Newsletter VOL 8, IS.6
The newest issue of the BMDA monthly newsletter is already here!
Do not hesitate to participate at the exceptional BMDA academic seminar
BMDA launches a set of academic seminars and the first seminar "Effective Business Educator" will take place on 17-18th of September, 2019 in Riga, Latvia. Series of academic seminars have been developed to prepare academics for work in business education in time when the business world has become volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.
BMDA board member Mr. Andrzej Popadiuk (president of GFKM GDANSK FOUNDATION FOR MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT) has been appointed as a board member of EFMD Global Network.
Adizes Theory and Practice for Polish Executive MBA Program Students
On the 14th of June, 2019 the President of BMDA, Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas conducted one day training for Executive MBA Program students at the leading Polish Business school - GFKM, in Gdansk, Poland.
17th Annual BMDA conference video
BMDA is happy to share the video of the 17th Annual conference, that took place on April 3-4 2019 in Casablanca (Morocco) and was hosted by emlyon business school campus Casablanca. It was a big success event ant it is always a pleasure to remember the moments of it!