International Competence Development Seminar
The second International Competence Development Program module “How to prepare a proper international research publication” has been successfully completed.
Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA) has successfully implemented the second module of International Competence Development Program on the 25th of February.
This Competence development seminar was presented by BMDA board member and Publisher of International business, Regional Management and Marketing journals at Emerald Group Publishing – Dr. Martyn Lawrence and Prof. Dr. of ISM Asta Pundziene.
Seminar "How to repare a proper international research publication" was organized for 30 lecturers and researchers. The most active researchers represented Kaunas Technology University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and Business Strategy Institute. We also had participants from Alytus College Institution of Higher Education, International Business School at Vilnius University, International School of Law and Business, Kolping College, Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education, Mykolas Romeris University, Siauliai College, Vytautas Magnus University, College of Social Science, LCC International University also individual BMDA members took part in this training.
Issues connected with International publishing arena such as measurement of quality and maximization of impact were discussed during this training. Participans increased their knowledge in identifying the quality of the international research publication, talked about its role in Higher education system. Participants got acquainted with the role of international research community in developing good publication, with the quality criteria for the international research publications and much more…
All Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA) team is expressing sincere thanks for participants and is looking forward meeting them in the next International Competence Development Program module on 17-18 of March.