Articles/PhD thesis
Sample - Phd thesis
Author: Jonas Jonaitis
Publication date: 2010-06-22
main problem enclosed in the thesis.
Where is the wisdom
Author: Carlos Valdesuso
Publication date: 2011-01-14
The purpose of this paper is to understand what Wisdom means, why we need it and how it can be developed and enacted within organizations. To better define the different issues, I introduce the Epistemological Pyramid which differentiates four levels of knowledge: Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom. As a second basic concept, I discuss Schumacher’s notion of Divergent Problems. I take the position that all organizational issues are Divergent Problems and, consequently, require Wisdom to be solved or integrated. As my central argument, I focus on the essence of Wisdom and reach two key conclusions: First, that while knowledge is intrinsically related to action, Wisdom is intrinsically related to options; and second, that the essence of Wisdom is to integrate divergent problems arising from the nature of human life. Finally, I forecast the future of Wisdom as essential for human meaning and survival.
PhD Theses Defence at TSEBA
Author: Helbe Põdder
Publication date: 2015-06-15
The thesis titled "Combining Work and Family Life – A Comparative Perspective on Changes in Parental Roles in Estonia, Finland and Sweden" will be defended on June 15 at Tallinn University of Technology (TUT), Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration
Strengthening the Corporate Social Responsibility at Narxoz University: innovation, implementation, impact
Author: Shynar Imangaliyeva, Head of International Affairs Department, Narxoz University
Publication date: 2017-02-04
Strengthening the Corporate Social Responsibility at Narxoz University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Право будущих поколений
Author: Андрей Шенин, Елена Бондаренко, Сабит Мухамеджанулы
Publication date: 2020-05-07
Евразийский центр экономико-правовых исследований Школы права и государственного управления завершил работу над исследованием «Право будущих поколений». Целью исследования было понять – что школьники выпускных классов знают о праве и правовой системе Казахстана, какие смыслы вкладывают в такие категории, как «справедливость», «права», свобода» или «ответственность», что они думают о современной судебной системе и традиционном казахском праве.