May 8 Program - Business Solutions FOR Leading Organizations
8:15-8:45 Registration and Welcome Coffee
8:45 Official Opening of the Conference Exhibition
9:00-9:15 Welcome to the Conference
Professor, Leonids Ribickis Rector of Riga Technical University (Latvia) Welcome word |
Dr. Virginijus Kundrotas President of BMDA, Dean of Adizes Graduate School (USA) Welcome word |
Oskars Priede CEO of Green Industry Center, a technology incubator in partnership with Riga Technical University, University of Latvia and Norwegian SIVA (Latvia) The Conference Chairman |
9:15-10:50 What Kind of a Leader and what Kind of a Team do We Need?
Do we need to change a leader when a company grows?
Greg Mathers
Adizes Associate, Managing Director of Adizes Latvia
Organizations develop similarly to living organisms. They are complex systems, which are very dynamic and vital. Similar to human beings, companies are born, go through childhood, enter adolescence and then, the successful ones, become vibrant, contributing adults. After some time they mature and even age and die. The behavior in each of these life stages of an organization is very different but easily predictable. Even across industries and fields of activity we see organizations behaving similarly in the different stages. Much like a human being, each stage of an organization's development requires a specific kind of attention for a distinct set of priorities Each stage also calls for a different style of leadership. Does this mean we need to change leaders while an organization moves through it’s development stages? How can we ensure that the leadership style is enforcing rather than slowing down the development of an organization? How can a leader build a strong management team capable of sound decision making and running the company on its own when the time requires?
How to Compose the Right Team for the Successful Company? Airida Zavadske Project manager and expert in more than 30 consultancy projects - competencies assessments, implementation of talent management systems, career planning and talent pool formation since 2002 UAB "PRO Assessments" (Lithuania) Hiring top-performing employees may be one of the most valuable activities any manager can do for his organization. Companies must be certain that every employee performs to the best of their ability and delivers significant value to the organization. However, building an effective, high-performing team requires more than simply throwing a group of outstanding individuals into a room and telling them they can’t come out until they have a solution. Maintaining an effective team requires planning, communication, and decision making. Assess individual strengths and weaknesses, build support, establish the conditions for effectiveness, agree on your goals—and you’re on the road to building a championship team. In this presentation we will review solutions for hiring top employees and putting the right person in the right job. |
How to Assure that Coaching will Support Empowerment of People Rather than Bring Disappointment? Leda Turai-Petrauskiene Coaching expert (Lithuania) There are always various scenarios for applying coaching in organizational settings and only some of them lead to sustainable mutual benefits, while others often bring disappointment to all involved parties. Successful coaching is possible only, if certain relationship and contextual factors are respected and taken into account, because their presence has a much bigger positive impact on performance, then you would imagine and their deficit creates unexpected damages at multiple levels. In this short presentation you will gain access to the interesting results of a fresh in-depth research and to a few easily applicable practical ideas for immediate use. |
How to Develop and Keep the Right Values within an Organization? Business Solution from Cesu Alus (Latvia) What to do, when you see that your employees do not care much about the results of the company? How to encourage them to change their attitude? Is it possible to form a new values within organization encouraging positive and proactive attitude? How do you create them and share not only among managers, but also among the ordinary workers? Representative of Cēsu Alus is going to share their experiences in developing such values within organization that everybody understands, remembers and loves. It will be also shared how to assure that everybody follows them. |
10:50-11:20 Discussions and Networking Coffee
11:20-12:50 How to Find out and Satisfy Your Client’s Needs Better?
How Mobile Technologies Redefine the Way we do Business and Satisfy our Client's Needs Ilaria Vilkelis International Executive coach and Strategy consultant (UK) As the use of smartphones continues to soar, it opens up unprecedented opportunities to interact with our clients and redefines how we do business and generate value. Let’s explore together how 21st century organisations are looking at new ways to engage with their customers and how we can successfully expand our own digital presence. |
Proactive Listening to Our Customers’ Feedback – the Key for Building a Very Customer-Centric Culture Linda Liepina Head of First Choice DHL Express Latvia and Lithuania (Latvia) DHL is sharing the experiences how the basic concepts of managing client relationship could be implemented in practice. A phone call to a customer asking for a service rating, and then a follow-up call if the rating is low in order to gain feedback. This uncomplicated new procedure has managed to increase customer loyalty levels across DHL Express, revealing itself as a powerful tool for market share expansion. Dubbed the Net Promoter Approach, it’s all about turning dissatisfied clients into promoters of DHL services. While the initial priority of NPA calls is to make individual customers happy by responding directly to their complaints, systematic collection and analysis of feedback can trigger large-scale improvements that lead to fewer complaints in the future. In this way, NPA becomes a continuous cycle of improvement. |
How to Orchestrate Communicated Information Flows for Satisfaction of the Client and Efficiency of Sales Force? Dr. Renata Urbone Business Development Manager in IT Development Company "Esperonus" (Lithuania) There are too many CRM systems in the market which are used like a diary or the address book. But the daily work of sales force in the organization is much more demanding, goals much more ambitions, e-mail communications and internal coordination efforts overwhelming, thus IT business solutions should provide much more than a memo book. IT should orchestrate the information flows and ensure primary focus to servicing the customer needs promptly and proactively. @Zonus is an innovative web-based CRM approach to running order based B2B. It provides 360 degree view of business, handles all email communications from within the application and is developed to make the hard work of key account managers easy answering to most of the above mentioned challenges. |
Digital Darwinism: Thriving in the Face of Technology Change
Dr. Baiba Apine
Senior Manager
PricewaterhouseCoopers SIA
The findings from the survey of 2100 ACCA and IMA members - top finance leaders around the world- will be presented. The presentation makes predictions about a broad range of emerging and converging technologies and their potential to influence the accountancy profession. The propositions are based on available, established and emerging technologies, and the ways in which they could potentially impact on the profession over the next 5 to
10 years and beyond.
12:50-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 How to Organize Activities Within an Organization in the Most Efficient Way
Accountability Tools - How to Make People to be Accountable? Dr. Zvezdan Horvat Senior Consultant, Adizes Institute, USA; CEO, Adizes South East Europe; Professional Director, Adizes East Europe (Serbia) What are the ingredients of accountability? How to include people in process of planning? Structure, responsibility, authority and rewarding as key things to be aligned. Financial planning, objectives and reporting – new ways to increase accountability. Software solution for supporting accountability. |
Creating Leaner Processes Through Empowerment of People
Indrek Julge
Head of Corporate Banking, Vice President, Member of Board
SEB Bank
More income, less cost, better client and employee satisfaction and higher return on equity - these are common goals for almost all the leaders. But it seems impossible to achieve them all simultaneously! Not if you make all your people genuinely interested in daily improvements. Some why managers in organizations tend to assume that they know the best ways of doing things. In fact they just guess… The best ideas are usually in the
heads of front line employees. How to get those ideas from them? How to make them interested in implementing those ideas? How to motivate them to walk an extra mile and take initiative? These are the questions that I’m trying to answer during my 20 minutes on example of initiative “LeanCorp” that we undertook in SEB Banka quite recently.
Very Practical Theory of Constraints (TOC). The Way to Increase Companies' Results by Decreasing “Sfficiency” on Local operations
Georgijs Buklovskis
Co-founder and member of the board of Association for Business Efficiency;
Ltd. Brabantia Latvia factory manager;
Founder and owner of “B4B” Ltd.
Strength of the chain is defined by strength of the weakest link, why improvement initiatives usually are spread over different parts of organization, did they have any connection with reinforcement of weakest link?
TOC “Road runner” culture and how to change management paradigm about utilization of workforce.
Falling in Love with Time Reporting Inga Ieraga Open Source development Executive Manager Self Service Solutions, Tieto (Latvia) Does your company have a tool for time reporting? Does it work well? Is it possible to have effective time reporting tool and make employees and managers happy? Could time reporting bring additional value, like managers visibility on project costs and employee utilization? The speaker will share the experiences using time reporting management system MyTime, the tool everyone cares most in Tieto and provides the positive answer to the above questions! Tieto is one of the largest Nordic IT service companies with about 16000 employees and locations in 28 countries worldwide shares their experiences and efficient tool. |
15:30-16:00 Discussions and Networking Coffee
16:00-17:30 How to Do the “Impossible” Things and Plan the Future
How to Make the First Step? Domantas Uzpalis CEO Naïve (Lithuania) Chocolate Naïve is one of the very few luxury products produced in the Baltics and currently sold in the most prestigious places in Europe. The company started from the first rack of cacao beans not too long ago and now represent the example of sustainable, responsible and successful business in action. The founder of it explores the secrets of this success which could be used by others. |
How to Bring Innovation into a Conservative Market? Dr. Maritana Sedysheva CEO M><M Products BVBA (Belgium) Humans all the time are afraid of something new: many people have some degree of discomfort with certain technological advances that are unfamiliar. How to use ideas from one area in another or in combination of different concepts? How to create the innovation products? How to analyse and to understand the specific market? What do the clients want and why they need your product? How to test the "right product"? How to evaluate and to refine the results through understanding the market, client, technology, and capabilities? The real case and a short review of new software for the restaurant industry will be presented. |
Business Solution from UPB Uģis Grīnbergs Export department director UPB (Latvia) It is a perception that you either grow or innovate. Another perception says that if you innovate, the market should be ready for it. Therefore, is it possible to combine the rapid growth and incredible innovations in very "Traditional market"? UPB Holding is proving that such things could be a normal practice. |
Boards of Directors: Setting and Delivering the Future Corporate Strategy – Fact or Fiction? Dr. Vernon Harten-Ash Hartengroup (UK) It is clear that effective setting and maintaining of corporate strategy is essential for large-scale, long-term success of major companies. How is that strategy formed and nurtured? The Boards of Directors are given many roles by multiple stakeholders including Shareholders, Government, Society and Employees. In the UK, these responsibilities were increased significantly by the Companies Act 2006. Roles include Corporate Governance, setting remuneration for senior executives, contacts making and setting Corporate Strategy. How effective are Boards at these disparate roles? Indeed, are there impossible temptations for Boards to get involved in executive activity as well? How does a good Board operate and facilitate the setting of Corporate Strategy? |
18:00 Welcome reception
9th floor restaurant at the Islande Hotel, Ķīpsalas iela 20, Rīga, Latvia